Kate, Lauren. (2009). Fallen. NY: Delacorte Books for Young Readers.
ISBN: 978-0385738934
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Biblioterapeutic Usefulness: Independence, Love, Ttust
Annotation: Lucinda Price has dealt with the shadows her entire life, but panic and terror still grip her when they come. Now, after the terrible accident, she is placed in a reform school where she falls for a mysterious boy.
Summary: Lucinda Price, or Luce for short, is sent to the secluded and Gothic like reform school Sword and Cross after a terrible accident. A boy died a fiery death while with Luce and she is suspected of murder - only she can't remember a thing. However, she has been haunted by mysterious shadows that bring panic and terror whenever they hover about her. At Sword and Cross Luce becomes inexplicable attracted to handsome but uninterested Daniel. Then there is Cam, the attractive boy who pursues Luce to excess. In a strange triangle of Luce, Daniel, and Cam, readers come to learn that Sword and Cross is no ordinary reform school. Daniel, Cam, and other residents are actually fallen angels stuck in a repetitious pattern revolving around Luce. Struggles between good and evil, a Gothic graveyard backdrop, and obsessive love create the backbone for this story.
Evaluation: The premise for this book is promising, but the action falls short. Perhaps it is because I am not a teenage girl, but the obsessive love doesn't appeal to me. I do think there will be plenty of girls who will find this quite enjoyable.
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